PCR Entry Tests Scrapped for Kenya & Namibia

PCR Entry Tests Scrapped for Kenya & Namibia

TRAVEL TO KENYA We are delighted to announce that Kenya has removed the PCR Covid-19 test requirement for entry for ALL fully vaccinated travelers. Here is a link to the latest Kenya general travel requirement issued on 11, March 2022.In Summary: All passengers coming...
Omicron Impact on Travel to Africa

Omicron Impact on Travel to Africa

Business as usual in Southern Africa while waiting for details on REAL impact of Omicron As most of you will already be aware, genome sequencing by world-class South African scientists identified a new variant of the Covid-19 virus last week. The UK & other...
Is Travel Across Africa Feasible and Safe Right Now?

Is Travel Across Africa Feasible and Safe Right Now?

The answer is YES. As we see more bookings postpone or confirm into 2022, we still have a safari season this year and travel across Africa remains relatively straight forward. For vaccinated travellers with limited home-country restrictions, 2021 is the year to...
Covid Testing Requirements in Kenya

Covid Testing Requirements in Kenya

Entry to Kenya Travellers arriving from the UK are exempt from the Government of Kenya’s 14-day quarantine requirement, but must still have a negative COVID-19 test taken within 96 hours of flying.   COVID-19 TESTING NOW AVAILABLE ON LEWA The Lewa clinic will now...
Covid-19 FAQ’s East Africa Travel

Covid-19 FAQ’s East Africa Travel

In order to alleviate our clients safety concerns about safaris to East Africa, we would like to share this Cheli & Peacock Care & Protection video, which illustrates the measures that they have put in place, as well as those put in place by various partners....